DrupalCamp Leuven - its always been about the community
The power that is a community… is quite powerful :)
Chewing over old experiences of my own successes and failures with product & market development for an upcoming coaching session for nascent start-ups the emergent theme that also happens to be the differentiating factor between the 'awesome' and 'not so' was the development of and development with a community.
No surprises there!From my first ever venture to bring a summer camp to otherwise housebound young teens in Karachi being one myself, to the most awesome suite of products for talent management ever built for the NHS with a large, active and vociferous community from within the NHS, to the creation of a community sourcing support platform for different departments in government, to the anti war community I stand with in the digital sphere and the pavements of Whitehall, to many more I have been entrenched with or had brief interactions with... they have all shaped my abilities as have I theirs... and Tupac Shakur said it well when he said "I'm a reflection of the community"... though I would kind'a change it to 'I am a reflection of the communities'.
This post is a shortish thank you note to the Drupal community in Belgium… one which has made my month by giving me the opportunity to share my tales from the trenches and whatnot, Drupal Camp Leuven thank you for having me over. Looking forward to sharing what I have learned about 'developing' and 'developing in' communities.
More than the tales to be shared am looking forward to creating new ones with friends and acquaintances not seen for weeks, some months and some for the first time!
"Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing." Rollo May
Leuven see you soon / Leuven vous voir bientôt / Leuven zie je snel / Leuven sehen Sie bald.Agent Leiter HM has eyes on you… mWahhahaha@drupalcampbe @Porter_AC @stefanvanhooft @dominiquedc @nicolasleroy @stevenpepermans @StijnStroobants @TimLeytens