Trajectory of Transformation... the future will judge us

Trajectory of Transformation... the future will judge us


In an age of innovation lead connectedness and transformation it is up to us to ensure this age is one of human progress. From medium to long term socio-economic development, sustainability, political and judicial reforms to short term assistance for the multitudes suffering from the ever unfolding financial, economic and in some parts conflict driven crisis.

Innovation lead transformation should be more than just creating wealth, it should be about re-thinking of how as a society we progress; from how we allow corporations to influence our lives, our media, our consent, our representatives, our government and everything in between.

It is more than the occupy movement, anonymous and the springs from the Middle East to Wall street, it is greater than all of the above combined, it is about the 99% reclaiming the rock for the 100%. It is about innovation of our society to be better equipped for the challenges we face today and in the decades to come.

We are privileged to be living in this age, where inventions and innovations of the past have matured, been improved upon and nurtured an environment where science and technology has crossed the chasm and entered the age of greatness, that is if we harness these instruments and use them for the betterment of society and think beyond the machinery of want.Interaction in our age has already been redefined across the board, from nano-technology to synthetic biology to the informatics tools that make sense of the data cloud, have and continue to change interaction at all levels from bringing us closers together, empowering us as communities.

To natural interaction and near field communications that have made sci-fi sci-fact, wider adoption of NFC, RFID are driving the internet of things here and now,  social media, 3D printing, open source software and hardware are transforming the power of corporates and empowering the connected masses. Haptic technology and bionic innovations are bringing connectedness to the disabled amongst us.

Yet for all the progress it could be argued innovation and connectedness is also being used to disable society, to encroach upon our privacy to snoop and profile communities to create disconnectedness, to skew the trajectory of transformation itself, to maintain the status quo, to defy evolution of our civilisation.

We are living the transformation and as individual, citizens and communities have the power to decide if this age is looked upon as the age of technology enabled greatness or something dark by our future generations.

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