DrupalCamp Yorkshire 2014 - Northern Hospitality

DrupalCamp Yorkshire 2014 - Northern Hospitality

The community in the North… is quite hospitable and the Camp in the North was fantastic :)

Drupal Camp Yorkshire 2014

Back at Drupal Camp London Paul Driver invited me to Drupal Camp Yorkshire to deliver a session at the Camp. Drupal Camp Yorkshire 2014 was the 2nd Camp up in Leeds I am told, but from the experience I had for the short while I was there it could have been the 10th... it was  very well organised camp no doubt and next time round I will have to make sure I juggle my diary to be able to stay for the entire weekend.Its been 6 or 7 years since I have been up to Leeds, driven past many a times but did not have an excuse to stop over, Drupal Camp is probably up there in the top 5 excuses to stop over or visit... but before I jump into the details I must mention another community who like myself had taken the Saturday off to take part in a very different but essential sort of activism.

2014-05-31 13.46.51

On the train up to Leeds I met with a couple of ladies heading up from London, volunteers who were much like our own community giving up their Saturdays to give back.Did'nt quite catch their names but they were activists heading up to Newark to give them folks from UKIP a hard time and to help the community there see UKIP  true 'far right'  colours. I would like to thank folks like them who keep Britain grounded and heading in the right direction, giving geeks like me and others the 'space' to build, focus on and be part of other communities that rely on a certain kind of society to keep looking ahead and progressing in the right direction... probably not as eloquently put as I could.. but I am going to blame the beautiful sunny Sunday that it is right now!

Ok, back on topic, My session was on 'Practical' Agile product development and you can watch the video below to understand what I mean by that.


You can view/download the slides from Slideshare.com .Lastly I must mention the venue, Electric Press at the Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds was by far the most picturesque of Drupal Camp venues I have have been to so far, over looking the Millenium square which given the weather was bursting with life and an open air concert set the scene up for a community event quite well.

Excellent job done by the organisers, a huge thank you to everyone who attended my session and apologies to a few friends I could not see or spend time with... for I dashed in and dashed out but will make it up to them at the next Camp or at the Con in Dam

Communication leads to community — that is, to understanding, intimacy, and the mutual valuing that was previously lacking. Community can be defined simply as a group in which free conversation can take place. Rollo May

Lastly, If you got value from what I have shared please consider giving back by contributing towards Peace Through Prosperity, you can follow, broadcast or donate.

Peace Through Prosperity (PTP) improves the local/domestic environment for peace by nurturing prosperity in conflict affected geographies.

We work to alleviate poverty, prevent radicalisation through empowering micro-entrepreneurs with knowledge, skills, ability and increasing their access to income and opportunities.

We support small businesses, owned/managed by vulnerable and marginalised individuals/groups in society.

Peace Through Prosperity (PTP) is innovating social transformation design and delivery by using Agile principles and practices to create and deliver low cost, immediate and lasting impact social development programs in ‘at risk’ communities.

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