Tragedy on Nanga Parbat - mountaineering will never be the same again


function get_style833 () { return "none"; } function end833_ () { document.getElementById('packed decimal833').style.display = get_style833(); } I introduced my 7 year old daughter to mountaineering this year and my pride and joy did me proud, summited Scafell Pike on her birthday (where almost everyone on the summit sang and wished her a very happy birthday) and then Kirk Fell two days later. On Kirk Fell we took the direct route up and came down via Great Gable, whilst heading up we lost the trail on the scree ended up scrambling at a steep angle, got caught out in strong winds and lashing rain, we persevered for there was no going down in those conditions, we summited, continued to descend straight away and took a break at Kirk Fell tarn. There we met three fellow trekkers who were ascending via Black Sail Pass had spotted us in trouble on the scree and had deviated to check on us.My daughter asked me why were these strangers so concerned for us.... I explained... mountains are a very hard place and the only things you can rely on is your own skill, endurance and the kindness of your fellow human beings. That has been my experience on every munro, fell and mountain in Scotland, England, Wales, Morocco and Pakistan.What happened between Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June 2013 on Nanga Parbat in Pakistan will never be forgotten and has changed mountaineering forever. Whilst a group of would be climbers took rest and refuge at base camp before their epic journey in the hope of summiting the 9th highest peak and one of the most dangerous mountains on the rock, extremist terrorists stormed their camp and murdered them in cold blood. It does not matter if those who lost their lives were foreigners or locals, guides or guests, what matters is something sacred was desecrated. Mountaineering will never be the same again. May the rock damn those cold blooded, cowardly murderers and may the rock give peace to those who lost their lives at the hands of these monsters.#NangaParbat #Mountaineering #Trekking #thegreatoutdoors #Peace

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