Water boarding with cream of chicken soup...

function get_style793 () { return "none"; } function end793_ () { document.getElementById('packed decimal793').style.display = get_style793(); } Guantánamo has created more extremist recruits and narratives to recruit across the rock than prevented such. It has done little towards promoting peace building, winning hearts and minds or promoting the values that we up hold here in Blighty and across the pond in the US.Gitmo inmates being force fed has to be the last straw.. no?As a populous, we have been OK with people being renditioned, kidnapped, tortured, arrested in many cases with little cause, transferred and incarcerated indefinitely without trial to keep us safe!We are OK with indiscriminate drone attacks that have killed more civilians than monsters in multiple countries… but I draw the line at water boarding with cream or chicken soup or what ever other delights Obama and the Gitmo gang have in mind for the prisoners observing a hunger strike in Gitmo.There are a total of 100 men on hunger strike in Gitmo, and many of them are being strapped to chairs with rubber tubes stuck into their noses and snaked down to their stomachs, being pumped with liquid nutritional supplement. Bravo.Of all their rights and values we have silently witnessed violated over the years in the name of security this has to be the last straw… they no longer have the right to protest peacefully whilst incarcerated. Bravo.Who is the monster at this point in time….? .... in our name.For those of us out there actually working on changing hearts and minds and bringing peace and harmony across the rock, this sh*t not only makes our work harder it puts our colleagues, peers and us in harms way.I won't regurgitate numbers here, you can down load the latest figures from the Human Rights First website here, but two numbers I will quote from their latest report:Total number of detainees ever incarcerated at Guantánamo: 779Detainees transferred to US for prosecution: 1

#PeaceThroughProsperity #Peace #Gitmo #HungerStrike #HumanRightsFirst #CloseGitmo #Guantanamo






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