Peace Through Prosperity - Covered by South Asia Magazine

Peace Through Prosperity - Covered by South Asia Magazine

Peace Through Prosperity's work has recently grabbed the attention of a few folks from Middle Earth to Middle England, no small feat for a small dedicated field team who put in all hours God sent and then some.

This post is a celebration of the Peace Through Prosperity team, Babar, Abdul Rasheed, Nasir, Amjad, Abdullah, Saleem, Imran, Sajjad, Asim, Waqas and Sahar my better 2/3rds for leading the charge.

View the article here.  The copyright for the article belongs to

Boundaryless Agile

Boundaryless Agile

Eid Mubarak / Happy Eid #ThirdRock - عيد الفطر  مبارك

Eid Mubarak / Happy Eid #ThirdRock - عيد الفطر مبارك