Boundaryless Agile

Boundaryless Agile

Peace Through Prosperity's work has recently grabbed the attention of a few folks from Middle Earth to Middle England, no small feat for a small dedicated field team who put in all hours God sent and then some.

This post is a celebration of the Peace Through Prosperity team, Babar, Abdul Rasheed, Nasir, Amjad, Abdullah, Saleem, Imran, Sajjad, Asim, Waqas and Sahar my better 2/3rds for leading the charge.

Applying Scrum and Kanban in Social development projects to prevent radicalisation

View the article here, or the complete issue here.  The copyright for the article belongs to Project Manager Today.

Happy Eid - مبارك ‎عيد الأضحى

Happy Eid - مبارك ‎عيد الأضحى

Peace Through Prosperity - Covered by South Asia Magazine

Peace Through Prosperity - Covered by South Asia Magazine