Welcome to the resistance

Welcome to the resistance

Poverty Alleviation

I follow a few Jedi Masters on the Ether… in the case of one of them… tweets would often lead me to some pretty incredible tales of poverty alleviation and social development in the rock's third most populous city… Karachi, a haven, a land of opportunity, the city of lights in Middle Earth, invaded by monsters… a slide that has been happening long before my time on the rock or as a transient resident in Karachi.

It is the unassuming stature of a Jedi that makes him/her at one with the force! it is rare but not uncommon to find development leaders dedicate their entire careers and life to a single project, for Parween Rehman that was the Orangi Town Ship project… bringing hope to Asia's largest slum and the millions of its underprivileged and destitute inhabitants.

Parween Rehman and her team must have been making a difference and nearing a break through for her life was brought to an unnatural and cruel end on Wednesday 13th March 2013 by extremists in Karachi not far from the Orangi township itself.

Whilst it is a great set-back for the poor of Orangi, Karachi, Pakistan and the rock; for many have and continue to learn a great deal from the Orangi Pilot Project, led by Parween Rehman and her team for over two decades.But...it is not defeat, it is a tragic loss, a significant set back... For there are other Jedis waiting in the ranks, and many new ones are born every time the dark side takes one out.

I sense a dear dear friend affected and giving the sabre a long hard stare. Welcome to the resistance my friend, the force is strong with you.

#Karachi, Orangi Town Pilot Project, human rights, Peace building, #ParveenRehman, Peace Through Prosperity

Drupal Public Sector Exchange - Open Councils event

Drupal Public Sector Exchange - Open Councils event

Drupal Public Sector Exchange