Reporting Live from Drupal Camp Pakistan it is On… it just got tasty

function get_style1516 () { return "none"; } function end1516_ () { document.getElementById('packed decimal1516').style.display = get_style1516(); } It is usability afternoon, a large number of developers and themers have been looking forward to the backend usability session by Jennifer Tehan, backed usability is what differentiates a simply usable  CMS from an awesome CMS and a session on a building beautiful Drupal 7 Theme using Omega, Context and Delta Modules, slight shame about the clash of the sessions but thats how the numbers rolled for these time slots. This hour is about making Drupal's backend 'human'… for what Jeni calls 'normal people'!DrupalCamp Pakistan... dreamed of in England, delivered in Islamabad.This is Kubair Shirazee with cameraman Nauman Khalid reporting from Drupal Camp Islamabad.

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Reporting Live from Drupal Camp Pakistan it is On… (dare I say BOOM!)

Organising a DrupalCamp in the East - its become an obsession