Nationocide - ابادة الامة

Nationocide - ابادة الامة


The fluid situation in Middle Earth is likely to make this post out of date by the time it gets posted, distributed and read.


Back in Jan 2013 I wrote a post on the state of minorities in Pakistan that are and remain at the sharp end of extremist violence that has plagued Middle Earth; from Syria to Indonesia. Since then time permitting I have been  researching the current state and my opinion has somewhat diverged, the violence has accelerated across the board be it intra or inter religion, the gulf between communities and the wider polarisation of communities has grown deeper roots and little points in the way of it receding or heading in the right trajectory. Unfortunately as has the level of desensitization of the 99% towards the 99%… accelerated that is… both in locale and here at home in Britain. Be it the Rohingyas, the Sunnis, Shias, Christians, Hindus or whatever other denomination being targeted or killed in mass, we have grown a very thick skin to facts that going back a decade would have had us out in the streets protesting.

Whilst in 2013 I was of the opinion that there was an active campaign that ought to be classified as the ‘Genocide of minorities’ in Pakistan, today I believe the issue is wider, its not just minorities being killed by bombs and hit squads it is pretty much every one! from Shia's, Barelvis (who represent the majority of the Sunni population of Pakistan), Ahmedis, Deobandis to more hardliners from across the sectarian spectrum. It does not stop there, it goes beyond the confines of one religion and includes the indiscriminate attacks on Christians in Punjab and forced conversions of Hindus in Sindh. The violence is indiscriminate, it goes beyond genocide, it is a planned systemic dismemberment of communities that loosely make up what could be called a nation.

Delve further into it and you will see that the data reveals a darker plot... what can only be described as systemic social culling of talent and potential leadership of communities, from the assassination of moderate individuals of note on all sides to that of future potential community leaders. From religious seminaries to lawyers, doctors, teachers and entrepreneurs... selective social culling has reached epic proportions in Middle Earth.

This  is not confined to Pakistan, it is across Middle Earth (remember Hariri!). At the moment I do not have the resources to take a deep dive in to the data from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iran but similar violence plagues all of these societies, at times perpetrated by the state, at times sponsored by the state or instruments of the state and more often than not sponsored by external agents of unwelcome change.

The outcome of nationocide is in front of us in Iraq, I am sure this was not the desired end result for any or all sides behind the sponsorship of the various parties from across the sectarian, religious and tribal spectrum in Iraq, the outcome; an ISIS lead state can not benefit any group regional or otherwise. The current state in Iraq has reached an irreversible point, and the inevitable dismemberment of the country will only trigger the next stage in the calamity that Middle Earth is heading towards and its repercussions will go beyond the region.

Arming and training proxies after proxies is not the answer, I don’t know what is… but common sense or just sense seems to in short supply from Washington to Islamabad, Ankara, Baghdad, Brussels, Cairo, Damascus, Doha, London, Riyadh and Tehran included.

The Saint of Transformation is needed to perform an ordained miracle here! the job's too big for Batman!

#againstnationocide #nationocide #genocide #HRW #Amnesty #ForeignpolicyFail #Fail إبادةالامة#

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