DrupalCamp Pakistan in Lahore - Build up… a wedding, submarine Cable repairs and the Mother of all DNS attacks!

Islamabad Airport 2013.png

0730 -  landed in Islamabad, 30 minutes in the immigration queue, walked to the carousel and my luggage is right there! out by 0815 - has to be a new record flying coach! Straight to the Crane's nest, up since 0700 the day before, Bialetti on the stove, quadruple espresso and the world starts making sense again!

0930 am informed by one of our crane also a trainer for DrupalCamp that there has been a slight oversight on his part for the 30th March camp… it also happens to be the day his sister-in-law is getting married! in all the excitement of the Camp it slipped his mind that his attendance at the wedding is not optional! a key crane has to be excused, but an ex-crane steps in to save the session!

0940ish Asif our network ninja informs me that the net speed in Pakistan is not running at its best because of a damaged submarine cable! but the powers that be are working around the clock (somewhere under the Suez canal) on fixing it asap! I get online, start streaming off Vimeo and yes the speed sucks!

1000ish Fida our organiser supremo informs me that Campus at University of Central Punjab has a fantastic mega fat pipe line… the submarine cable damages comes to mind!

1200ish Atta sends me an article from the Guardian - Cyberbunker is kicking Spamhaus's behind and the end users are paying for it with reduced speed! the Rock's largest DNS attack is in play! and the net speed in Blighty is suffering! a three word expression come to mind!

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But it would be no other way, the camp is going to Lahore! home to Lollywood! where the action movies would send Action Jackson cowering; featuring horses and riders who can cover great distances in a flash… from Times Square NYC to Lahore Central in less time than it takes for a villain to pull off the distressed damsels veil, XXL heroines doing Shakira numbers and heroes who would scare the pants of Jet Lee, guns that never need reloading, heroes who can spill more Red than the Red sea and still manage dialogues and live to fight another few dozen baddies in the next 30 minutes, actors with phenomenal stamina to shout out dialogues over 2+ hours!… and directors who evidently compete on how absurd a movie they can make!

There has to be drama involved! this is LAHORE not Sparta!

#Drupal #DrupalCamp #EmergingTechnologies

Drupal Camp Pakistan in Lahore - Drama in LollyWood

Drupal Camp Pakistan in Lahore - Drama in LollyWood

Evangelising Drupal in a foreign land, am going Camping again!

Evangelising Drupal in a foreign land, am going Camping again!