Drupal Public Sector Exchange (DPSX) – BoF at DrupalCon Prague

Drupal Public Sector Exchange (DPSX) – BoF at DrupalCon Prague

Drupal Public Sector Exchange
DrupalCon Prague BoF Drupal Public Sector Exchange

Though DPSX has been a tad bit quite since July we did kick up a mini-storm in Prague at DrupalCon last month! The BoF was a hit with relevant attendees from Belgium, Britain, Finland, France, Netherlands and Slovakia represented on the table. in majority the attendees other than Steve Purkiss and myself were from the public sector which was a result! The discussions centred around:

  • The political challenges of having a single platform in government

  • options of multisite Vs Domain access and of course creating distributions

  • Managing diversity in government

  • Selling by building business cases

  • When Open becomes closed and proprietary

The audio from the BoF can be downloaded from here.

Looking ahead we are planning on one more DPSX meet up in Blighty prior to Christmas, so if you are interested please drop us a line or comment on D.O.

OPEN London - community 2.0 or something like that

OPEN London - community 2.0 or something like that

Feast of the Sacrifice

Feast of the Sacrifice