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Challenges for the generational poor founders/entrepreneurs in conflict riddled developing economies are; lack of access to skills, resources, funds and an acute lack of dignity for their labour. They are the unregulated, unrecognised part of the economy, an un-tapped tax base as well an ignored platinum mine for long term prosperity of the rock.The things we take for granted as entrepreneurs in developed economies; access to institutions, resources to develop our knowledge and skill base, public, private and non-profit organisations hard at work to guide us and assist us to start and soar in our journey of enterprise, to provide funding to start and grow businesses; establish empires. We are the privileged. And I thank my maker for dealing me the cards he does while I sit at this table.We are recognised as the bulk of the economy, a tax and vote base, regulated and nurtured as the MNCs of the future, establishing empires.This privilege is non-existent to the entrepreneur at the sharp end in conflict affected developing economies. The web is within reach, comms are there, the infrastructure is there but access a tall order. The money is there, though the disparity of its distribution is almost despairing! the hope rests with us the privileged entrepreneurs also at the sharp end in a different theater.A privileged hard won over decades by founders before us. And I thank those entrepreneurs of yesteryear's for playing their cards the way they did and continue to sitting at the grander table. This is social and otherwise, the

William Beveridges


Ray Krocs

, the

Bill Draytons

, the


to all those who Zuckerberged it before Mr Zuckerberg himself.Developing economies conflict affected or not are our markets of tomorrow, foresee the upcoming bickering over access to the Indias and Chinas of tomorrow, develop tomorrows markets today and get them 'us ready' sooner, create alternatives and not enclaves of opportunities and investments, bubbles of prosperity on continents, in regions and within countries… within neighborhoods. Develop the Rock.




 #Entrepreneurship #Founders



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Winning Hearts & Minds From the Belly Up

Founders Weekend London Feb 2013... and Mighty ones at the very sharp end...