Beyond the Agile Circus: Growing What Matters - Part 2

Beyond the Agile Circus: Growing What Matters - Part 2

Away from the bright lights of the Agile circus, in the quieter corners of industry, real transformation is happening. No clowns, no carnival barkers, no cotton candy processes, just earnest, thoughtful, and deliberate evolution.

Data from 2023 State of Agile Report reveals a pattern of success that has nothing to do with framework adoption or secret sauce stewed by consultancies:

  • 69% improved project predictability through small, focused efforts

  • 64% saw better business/IT alignment when adapting to context

  • 47% reduced project costs through genuine agility

  • Teams starting small show 75% higher success rates

  • Organisations focusing on cultural change see 61% better outcomes

The Market's Message

The most telling statistics from 2023 reveal an industry in revolution:

  • SAFe usage down to 26% (more than 50% decrease)

  • Only 30% report successful enterprise transformations

  • 22% openly reject mandated frameworks

  • 12% build their own approaches

  • 34% choose freedom over franchise

This isn't market confusion. It's market correction.

The Power of Principled Resistance

Every movement faces its moment of truth - when commercialisation threatens to hollow out its core. Some surrender to the market, turn from prophets to profit, others stand firm.

Amongst many others consider:

  • Greta Thunberg refusing to let climate action become corporate greenwashing

  • Nelson Mandela choosing 27 years in prison over compromising his values

  • Francesca Albanese continuing to speak truth to power while others soften their message

Like these Sheroes and Heroes of the resistance, organisations choosing authentic change over corporate theater show us what's possible:

  • 74% success rate by staying true to principles

  • 69% improvement through honest, focused effort

  • 61% wins through genuine cultural evolution

They prove what we've always known: real change doesn't come from copying frameworks - it comes from the courage to stay true to principles.

The Garden, Not the Circus

And like all true movements, authentic transformation doesn't arrive on a branded circus train . It grows like well-tended gardens:

  • Seeds planted thoughtfully where the soil is fertile

  • Roots allowed to develop before expecting fruit

  • Growth adapted to local conditions

  • Patience for natural cycles of development

  • Careful observation of what thrives and what withers

Rushing a garden to bloom by piling on fertiliser or crowding it with extra gardeners often backfires— plants need the right balance of nutrients, space, and time to thrive. Similarly, meaningful organisational change flourishes when nurtured thoughtfully, not forced.

Your Change Makers Are Already Here

Like the principled resistors who came before them, your real change agents aren't found in consulting catalogues. They grow from within your organisation. Look for those who:

  • Question the status quo without destroying morale

  • Solve problems without creating dependencies

  • Share knowledge without monetising it

  • Lead by example, not by authority

  • Build bridges between silos naturally

  • Already have the trust of their peers

  • Understand the organisation's immune system

These are your true transformers. Not because they have a certification, but because they have context. Not because they know a framework or two or three, but because they know your people. Like Thunberg with climate action, they refuse to let meaningful change become a corporate performance. They challenge the circus, its barkers, and its clowns.

The Economics of Authentic Change

Pay $2,500+ daily for consultants to help you forget 80% of what they taught, or invest in your people to retain 90% and watch it multiply naturally through your culture. The math of sustainable change isn't complicated - it's just uncomfortable for the consulting industry.

Like Mandela's long walk to freedom, the path of authentic change may seem hard at first. But it's the only path that leads to lasting transformation.

The Multiplication Effect

Watch how internal capability builds, like any genuine grassroots movement:

  1. Change makers influence their immediate teams

  2. Teams influence adjacent teams

  3. Success stories spread organically

  4. Natural and organic networks form around effective practices

  5. Internal knowledge sharing creates sustainable patterns

  6. Culture evolves from within, not by decree

Change is Osmotic.

The Signs of Authentic Change

The 2023 State of Agile data shows where real transformation takes root, what to look for:

In Leadership Approach:

  • Commits without commanding

  • Invests in internal capabilities

  • Protects space for experimentation

  • Values outcomes over orthodoxy

  • Measures what matters, not what's easy

In Team Evolution:

  • Small starts in receptive areas

  • Careful observation of results

  • Adaptation to context

  • Recognition of existing strengths

  • Understanding of systemic constraints

In Cultural Indicators:

  • Conversations over ceremonies

  • Learning over compliance

  • Experimentation over expertise

  • Context over copying

  • Results over reports

Breaking Free from the Agile Circus

The path forward is clear, if not easy:

  1. Start where you are

  2. Use what you have

  3. Build what you need

  4. Mobilise and trust your people

  5. Grow your own capabilities

  6. Measure what matters

  7. Adapt as you learn

This isn't about rejecting structure – it's about creating structures that serve rather than structures that constrain. It's about building capabilities that last rather than dependencies that drain.

The Real Revolution

The most powerful statistic from 2023 State of Agile isn't about framework adoption or transformation success rates. It's this: 74% succeed by doing what works, not what's prescribed. By simply focusing on outcomes, not orthodoxy.

They succeed because, like all true revolutionaries, they:

  • Trust their context

  • Value their people

  • Question prescribed solutions

  • Experiment thoughtfully

  • Share their stories, wins and lessons

  • Build sustainable practices

  • Create necessary, good trouble

The revolution isn't coming. It's already here, growing quietly in the gardens of those who chose to step out of the circus tent and into the light of authentic change. Like Thunberg with climate action and Albanese with human rights, they prove that principled resistance coupled with authentic action creates lasting change.

"Because real transformation, like any true movement, grows from within."

Images used in this post have been generated using DALL-E.

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